
translation state of Core module.


provides core functionality

  • Sending Mails
  • Pagination
  • Error Handling
  • Configuration Handling
  • PDF Handling
  • Attachment handling
  • ACL for Attachments
  • general Layout



the following table is generated automatically. Descriptions are marked from the view scripts files mit {{rtd: ...}}

Module Name Description
Core layout/layout General layout. Includes the HTML Header
Core error/404 File not found error page
Core error/403 Forbidden error page
Core error/index Internal Server Error Page (500)
Core main-navigation Renders a horizontal navigation with drop downs
Core pagination-control Renders paginations
Core core/loading-popup Renders a simple loading box while ajax requests are proceeded
Core core/notifications Renders default notification boxes.
Core form/core/buttons Renders default ‘save’ and ‘abort’ buttons
not found (form/core/privacy) WRONG CONFIGURATION  
Core core/form/permissions-fieldset Renders the group permission fieldset
Core core/form/permissions-collection Renders the group form
Core core/form/container-view Renders horizontal summary form
Auth form/auth/contact.form Renders the contact form within the application form and the personal profile.
Auth form/auth/contact.view renders the contact information within the application form and the personal profile.
Auth auth/form/user-info-container Renders horizontal form for the contact and the user photo
Auth auth/form/userselect Renders form for adding Users to a Group
Auth auth/form/social-profiles-fieldset Renders the fieldset for adding Social Profiles to an Application
Auth auth/form/social-profiles-button Renders the selection boxes for adding social profiles to an application
Auth auth/sidebar/groups-menu file exists
Applications applications/error/not-found Error Page for an Application form which references a non-existing job
not found (layout/apply) WRONG CONFIGURATION  
Applications applications/sidebar/manage currently not used
Applications applications/mail/forward Renders the email for forwarding an application
Applications applications/detail/pdf Renders a application as a simple HTML, used in the PDF generation and the forward mail
Applications applications/index/disclaimer Display the privacy policy disclaimer
Jobs jobs/sidebar/index Renders paginations
Jobs jobs/form/list-filter Renders the search formular for jobs used by recruiters
Jobs jobs/form/apply-identifier currently not used. Generates an reference number for jobs
Jobs jobs-publish-on-yawik displays short info about publishing on YAWIK
Jobs jobs-publish-on-jobsintown displays short info about publishing on
Jobs jobs-publish-on-homepage displays short info about publishing on the own homepage
Jobs jobs-terms-and-conditions display the terms and conditions, when publishing a job opening
Jobs mail/jobCreatedMail Mail is sent to the owner of yawik. The mail contains a link to an approval page, where the owner can accept or decline the job opening
Pdf pdf/application/details/button Renders the download as PDF Button, in the Applications Module
Geo geo/form/GeoText Renders the autocompletion for locations
Organizations organizations/index/edit Renders the formular for editing organizations
not found (piwik) WRONG CONFIGURATION  

Mail Templates

Module Name Description
Auth register sends a confirmation link to the user, after registration
Auth forgot-password sends a confirmation link to the user, after using the forgot password feature
Auth first-external-login sends the user login data, after the user wa created by an external application
Auth first-socialmedia-login sends the user a welcom mail after the first login via a social network


Module Name Description
Core Core/Log Logging service
Auth HybridAuthAdapter Login via Social Networks
Auth AuthenticationService Authentication Service


Name Description
core.create_paginator is fired, when CreatePaginator plugins creating a paginator
job.created is fired, when a user created a job opening.
job.accepted is fired, when an admin accepts a new or modifications on an existing job opening


Every notification or message, no matter how it will be displayed or returned, runs through an unified API. This API is implemented in the Controller-Plugin ‘notification’. Notifications are session-persistent, that implies, they will pop up either on the current site, or on a following site. So unless you are sure of it, make no references to a current page, because the notification may pop up on a different page.

The common use is:

$this->notification('any text');
$this->notification()->success('any text');
$this->notification()->error('any text');
$this->notification()->info('any text');

To display notifications on a html-page, insert somewhere in the script or layout. In the standard-layout this partial is already included.

echo $this->partial('core/notifications');

If you have an ajax-request and expect back a JSON, the JSON-response should include information about notifications. You have to trigger an event with the whole response as data.

$.post(url, param, function(data) {
    $(this).trigger('ajax.ready', {'data': data});

Language Switcher

you can add a Language Switcher into you skin by:


If you want to modify the Layout, edit the view script language-switcher.phtml