
The Core module provides a form-field of the type “Location”. This form-field should be used whenever a Location is entered. In the Core the type “location” is an alias to a standard form field type “text”. So if the Geo module is inactive, a normal “text” field is used and nothing else happens.

But the Geo Module does a little bit more than just autocomplete the location. It uses a geo location service to enrich the entered data with geo coordinates and informations about the country and the region. If you enter “Frankfurt am Main”, the location will be defined as:

city = Frankfurt am Main
region = Hessen
Country = Germany
corrdinates = [8.6820934,50.1106529], type:"Point"

This makes it possible to use the distance feature, when searching e.g. for jobs. The Geo module currently ca use two different geo location services.

  1. the photon service
  2. the geo service

What’s the differences between those services.

Feature photon geo
multilingual yes no (only german is supported)
countries worldwide DE, AT, CH
search for postal codes no yes
Ranking nearest by population
needed requests 1 2
Ranking nearest by population
synchronized with OSM yes no
search for streets yes no
sources available yes no
free service available

The Geo module can be easily configured to use one of the geo services by copying and modifying the Geo/config/Geo.options.local.php to the autoload directory of you YAWIK installation

 * Name of the used geo coder plugin. You can use 'photon' or 'geo'. Photon is recommended.
$plugin = 'photon';

 * Location of your geo coder server. If unsure, leave it unchanged. Possible values are:
 * -
 * -
$geoCoderUrl = '';

// Do not change below this line!

return [
    'options' => [
        'Geo/Options' => [
            'options' => [
                'plugin' => $plugin,
                'geoCoderUrl' => $geoCoderUrl,

It it possible to configure