Example: Setting up Facebook, Xing or LinkedIn Login

YAWIK$ cp module/Auth/config/module.auth.global.php.dist config/autoload/module.auth.global.php

All placeholders in the configuration files which match ‘%%.*%%’ are deprecated. They are relics of the build.properties area. Since 0.20 an intall wizard is available which introduces an initial user with the admin role.

"keys"    => array ( "id" => "%%facebook.appid%%", "secret" => "%%facebook.secret%%" ),

Note: you need a Facebook, Xing or LinkedIn App, if you want to integrate the social networks . So take a look how to create an App with Facebook, Xing or LinkedIn.

Copy the .dist files from the modules//config dir into the config/autoload directory. Don’t forget to remove the “.dist” suffix. Addjust the values and remove the cache/modules- files.