
YAWIK comes with a notification system to easily display notification messages to the user. These messages are persisted in the session and can be retrieved even after a redirection (e.g. Login)

Once a message is displayed (rendered), it is removed from the session.

Controller Plugin

Yawik provides the controller plugin “Notification” (service name “notification”) to set notification messages in different namespaces.

It is merely a wrapper for Zend Framework’s FlashMessenger. It provides own namespaces and shortcut methods to add notifications according to Twitter Bootstrap alert class names.

The plugin is registered in the ControllerPluginManager under the key “Notification”

Namespace Class Constant Meaning
success Notification::NAMESPACE_SUCCESS An action was successfull
warning Notification::NAMESPACE_WARNING Action was (partly) successfull
danger Notification::NAMESPACE_DANGER Action was not successfull (error)
info Notification::NAMESPACE_INFO General info notification w/o special meaning

In a controller action, simply call the plugin via the magic __call mechanism

$this->notification()->success('Updates successfully changed.');
return $this->redirect(...);

The plugin provides following methods:

  • success($message)
  • warning($message)
  • danger($message)
  • error($message) [alias for danger(), for convinience]
  • info($message)
  • addMessage($message, $namespace = ‘info’)
  • __invoke($message = null, $namespace = ‘info’)


To render notifications it is necessary to render the template which is registered under the key core/notifications in the view manager’s template map.

The default view script provided renders all notifications in a div container with the class “yk-notifications” using the “Alert” view helper.

Notifications are rendered in the following order:
  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Success
  • Info

You can place notifications into your general layout by following these steps:

  1. In the layout script, above the output of the headScript-Helper, render the notifications partial and capture to a variable. (Because the template injects a javascript to the headscript container)
  2. Echo the capture variable at the position where the notifications should be.
<?php $notifications = $this->partial('core/notifications'); ?>


<?php echo $this->headScript(); ?>

// ...

<?php echo $notifications; ?>

Alert View Helper

The alert view helper takes a message and renders it in the bootstrap markup for an dismissable alert box. It is registered in the view helper manager under the key “Alert”.

<?php // capture content
$this->alert()->start('info'); ?>
<p>This is an info message</p>
<?php echo $this->alert()->end(); ?>

<?php // via __invoke
echo $this->alert('warning', 'This is a warning');

// via shortcut methods
echo $this->alert()->danger('This is an error message.');

The helper provides following methods

  • __invoke($type = null, $content = null)
  • start($type)
  • end()
  • info($content = true)
  • warning($content = true)
  • danger($content = true)
  • success($content = true)

Passing “true” (or nothing) to a shortcut method is the same as starting capture with the according type.

<?php $this->alert()->info() ?>
<p> This is an info message </p>
<?php echo $this->alert()->end() ?>

The resulting html will look something like this:

<div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissable">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
    <p>This is an info message</p>