YAWIK currently offers a simple API to create Jobs. If you are able to create HTML formatted job ads and if you can put application links to the HTML source of your jobs, you might find the API usefull to put your jobs into YAWIK, which enables you the use the application forms.

We’ll later replace this simple API with a full featured. Maybe build with https://apigility.org/.

YAWIK allows an external application to post jobs via http POST requests. At first you have to authenticate. This can be done by:


curl -c "/tmp/cookie" -d "appKey=SecretYawikDemoKey&user=demo&pass=demo" http://yawik.org/demo/login/extern?format=json

The following parameters can be passed:

Param Value Description
appKey string pre-shared key between your app and your YAWIK
user string user name of an YAWIK Account
pass string password of an YAWIK Account
email email adress If an YAWIK Account is created, the password is sent to this email address
role recruiter or user If an YAWIK Account is created, this role is used

The appKey authenticates your external application. The to “top secret” pre-shared key of the YAWIK demo is SecretYawikDemoKey. Normally this key is only known by YAWIK and the external App.




{"status":"failure","code":0,"messages":["Invalid application key"]}

Once you’ve logged in, the cookie returned by YAWIK has to be stored on the external application site. In case you’re testing it with the above curl statement, the cookie is stored in /tmp/cookie.

If the application Key is valid and the user is unknown, a user is simply created. The password of the user is sent via email (if an email-value is provided in the curl-call). Authentification via CURL and the normal login are traded different. Every authentification with an external application uses a separate key, therefore the external application is liable to provide privacy. An user can root out any external application by simply revoking it’s key without affecting any other authentification.

These parameters are available or must be set to transmit a job:

Param Value example mandatory Description
applyId string AMS79j yes the id is an unique key to adress your job
company string   yes name of the company
companyId string   no if an id is provided, the company is stored in the YAWIK-DB
contactEmail email adress   no for automatic informations like new applicants
title string   yes for tabular overview
location string   no for overview, will be later prone for indexing
link http adress   yes the job offer weblink
datePublishStart YYYY-MM-DD   yes  
status string   no Possible values
reference string   no an internal reference from the publisher
logoRef http adress   no Logo for the Company
uriPublisher http adress   no who get the credit for any application
atsEnabled boolean   no set to true shows up a link to an application form
uriApply http adress   no adress to an external application form

some remarks:

The applyId must be unique just to the provider, this key along with your authentification is the only access to your data. Consistently there is no key provided by YAWIK.
enables the Applicant Tracking System for the job opening.
company, companyId
companies can managed alongside the job if a companyId is passed, the companyId is an assurance for yawik, that different jobs with the same companyId belong to the same company. The name is for that a to weak criteria.
Although a contact-email is not obligatory, it is a crucial enhancement of service. Whenever something happens to your job, you get an update. This includes new applicants for a job.
This link should be an appealing presentation of the job. YAWIK can not (up to now) display Jobs on it own, so this link is mandatory.
One of the basic ideas of YAWIK is to distribute jobs automatically. Even though, every job may have an owner who wants to administer the job. The Adress of uriPublisher must provide and own rest-service for updates or feedback of informations.
As joboffers can be distributed, the application could directly linked back to the source. The distributing system can add a signature to the application to indicate where the applicant has first seen the job offer.

Current States of job openings are defined in Jobs/Entity/StatusInterface

Status Description
CREATED job opening was created
WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL entering of a job opening was finished
REJECTED the job was rejected
PUBLISH job was accepted an is going to be published
ACTIVE the job is online
INACTIVE job should go offline
EXPIRED the job is expired
curl -b /tmp/cookie -d "applyId=1234" 'http://yawik.org/demo/de/saveJob?format=json'
    "valid Error":
                "company":{"isEmpty":"Es wird ein Eingabewert ben\u00f6tigt. Dieser darf nicht leer sein"},
                "title":{"isEmpty":"Es wird ein Eingabewert ben\u00f6tigt. Dieser darf nicht leer sein"},
                "link":{"isEmpty":"Es wird ein Eingabewert ben\u00f6tigt. Dieser darf nicht leer sein"},
                "datePublishStart":{"isEmpty":"Es wird ein Eingabewert ben\u00f6tigt. Dieser darf nicht leer sein"

A successfull request returns:

curl -b /tmp/cookie -d "applyId=1234&title=this%20is%20a%20test%20job&company=MyCompany&datePublishStart=2014-09-15&link=http://example.com/myjob.html" \
        "title":"this is a test job",

Transfering Jobs

Jobs are transferred as complete JSON-Objects, there are no RESTful API HTTP methods like get, put, post, delete. That’s why this is considered a pure

curl name:password@server/report/job
    -H 'Accept: application/json'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -d '{
        "applyId": "ref_from_yawik_123",
        "title": "lorem ipsum title",
        "description": "lorem ipsum body",
        "company": "tcomp",
        "contactEmail": "weitz@cross-solution",
        "location": "35510 Butzbach",
        "link": ".",
        "datePublishStart": "2013-08-20T08:19:12.000Z",
        "status": "active"
is a textfield is always the ID of the sending system, it is within the duty of the receiving system to classify the ID to the system, it is recommended to use information of the send-header, like referer-host. The apply-id is mandatory.
is a textfield title is for a fast human readable classification. The title is mandatory.
is (propably) a textfield is all information displayed on the target. The content is not specified on purpose, so it’s up to the user how to define the description. Though it is recommended to use HTML or at least XML. The description is optional, especially if you use an external link to the job offer.
is a textfield a company-name is mandatory, for just the reason it is mandatory in every job-offer in the system. It should provide an allocation for accounting
is a textfield in case of question or feedback although it is not settled, if this concerns just the content of job or the provider of jobs, this is mandatory
is a textfield about the location of the job-offer, Since a lot of jobs have no specific location, this is optional.
is a textfield, when the job-offer should redirect or link to an external page. This is always recommended for high glossy jobs.offers. But - buyers aware - you have to be cognizant that external linking can be disabled for some reason. Anyway, this is optional.
is a textfield in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.FRACZ (Uni-Format), It can be easely interpreted with PHP and is the time-format in MONGO. This field is just to facilitate the process in transferring jobs in advance. Nonetheless it is a matter of personal agreements for ending a job-offer. As we can not ensure a notice of a premature ending of a job-offer this is not stringent. Therefore this is optional.
is a textfield this is for putting a job on passiv by external command, or switch it back to active. Default is always active. This field is optional.